How Much Money Can You Save?

AFUE Energy Savings Calculator

{{ afueOld }}% vs {{ afueNew }}%

{{ annualNaturalGasSavingsPercent() }}%

{{ afueOld }}%
${{ afueAnnualOperatingCostOldUnit() }}
Annual Cost
{{ afueNew }}%
${{ afueAnnualOperatingCostNewUnit() }}
Annual Cost

Estimated 15-Year Savings:*
${{ projectedNaturalGasSavings }}

{{ year }} {{ state }} average residential natural gas retail price of ${{ rateResidentialNaturalGas }}/Mcf**.
*Based on an average annual rate increase of {{ avgUtilityIncrease }}%.

This calculator does not guarantee actual costs or savings and is only to be used for educational purposes.

Customize to Your Home

Adjust these settings for a more accurate calculation:




Rate ($/Mcf)


Average Annual Heating Hours***

Historical Comparison

{{ state }}'s natural gas prices compared to {{ yearFifteenYearsAgo }}.

{{ yearFifteenYearsAgo }}


${{ priceFifteenYearsAgo }}/Mcf

{{ yearTenYearsAgo }}

{{ differenceTenYears }}

${{ priceTenYearsAgo }}/Mcf

{{ yearFiveYearsAgo }}

{{ differenceFiveYears }}

${{ priceFiveYearsAgo }}/Mcf

{{ year }}

{{ differenceCurrentYear }}

${{ rateResidentialNaturalGas }}/Mcf

** Data from U.S. Energy Information Administration
*** Data from 2002 EPA study

** Data for Canadian cities from
*** Data from

SEER2 Energy Savings Calculator

{{ seerOld }} SEER vs {{ seerNew }} SEER2

{{ annualSavingsPercent() }}%

{{ seerOld }}
{{ annualElectricalCostOldUnit() }}
Annual Cost
{{ seerNew }}
{{ annualElectricalCostNewUnit() }}
Annual Cost

Estimated 15-Year Savings:*
${{ projectedSavings }}

{{ year }} {{ state }} average residential electricity retail price of {{ price }}¢/kWH**.
*Based on an average annual utility rate increase of {{ avgUtilityIncrease }}%.

This calculator does not guarantee actual costs or savings and is only to be used for educational purposes.

Customize to Your Home

Adjust these settings for a more accurate calculation:




Rate (¢/kWH)


Average Annual Cooling Hours***

Historical Comparison

{{ state }}'s electricity prices compared to {{ yearFifteenYearsAgo }}.

{{ yearFifteenYearsAgo }}


{{ priceFifteenYearsAgo }}¢/kWH

{{ yearTenYearsAgo }}

{{ differenceTenYears }}

{{ priceTenYearsAgo }}¢/kWH

{{ yearFiveYearsAgo }}

{{ differenceFiveYears }}

{{ priceFiveYearsAgo }}¢/kWH

{{ year }}

{{ differenceCurrentYear }}

{{ price }}¢/kWH

** Data from U.S. Energy Information Administration
*** Data from 2002 EPA study

** Data for Canadian cities from
*** Data from

Your heating and cooling equipment needs to keep your Utah home safe and comfortable throughout the year.

But it also needs to efficiently operate at all times to save energy and lower your utility bills.

At Just Right Heating, Cooling, and Plumbing, our team specializes in providing Salt Lake City homes and businesses with heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems that fit like a glove. We take precise measurements and accurate load calculations to ensure you have the right-sized equipment for the square footage of your property.

Our NATE-certified technicians offer sustainable solutions that fit your needs and budget. You can expect quality service, up-front pricing, and just right service every time we show up for a service call.

How to Save Money With Your HVAC Equipment

Here are a few quick fixes that will shave money off your energy bills and keep your system running strong:

Comfort starts with a clean HVAC filter. You deserve the best possible indoor air quality (IAQ)—these filters are your first line of defense against dust, debris, and other airborne allergens.

Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines on when to replace or clean them, and always try to go with the highest MERV rating (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value) your system allows for your filter. Consider changing it more often if you have pets or someone in the home with respiratory issues.

Schedule annual tune-ups for your heating and cooling equipment. The best time to schedule a tune-up for your furnace, boiler, or heat pump is in the early fall. Your air conditioner (AC) needs a tune-up in the early spring before it goes to work.

A tune-up rejuvenates your system—it also allows our technicians to catch minor problems before they become costly repairs. Plus, it keeps your equipment in compliance with your manufacturer’s warranty.

Have your air ducts inspected and cleaned. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) estimates up to 30 percent of the HVAC airflow in most homes escapes through holes and tears in the ductwork. That’s a lot of money flying out the window.

How Much Can a New Furnace Save You?

The AFUE (annual fuel utilization efficiency) rating on your furnace indicates how much energy it converts. An energy-efficient furnace with an AFUE rating of 95 can convert 95 percent of the energy it consumes into heat. It pays to spend a little more on high-efficiency equipment—you’ll enjoy a greater return on investment (ROI) and improved comfort.

Our AFUE energy savings calculator can help determine how much you could save on your utility bills. Just enter your current unit’s AFUE value and compare it to a newer, more efficient system. You can find the rating on the faceplate of your furnace.

How Much Can a New Air Conditioner Save You?

The term SEER stands for seasonal energy efficiency ratio. It measures how much energy your air conditioning system uses to operate. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) estimates replacing your old system with a new air conditioner could lower your cooling expenses by up to 50 percent.

Our SEER2 (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio 2) energy savings calculator can help determine how much you could save on your utility bills. Simply enter your current unit’s SEER value and compare it to a newer, more efficient SEER2 unit. You can even customize it to better match your home’s system for a more accurate calculation.

To Repair or Replace?

Your equipment might switch on and off, but that does not mean you are getting the most value from it. Only a trained professional with the right tools can assess whether your system is operating at optimum efficiency.

The expected service life for a well-maintained air conditioner and furnace is 15 to 20 years. After the 20-year mark, these systems tend to slow down, costing you more in energy use and repair bills.

Schedule a free consultation with our team at Just Right Heating, Cooling, and Plumbing to determine the best comfort strategy for your Salt Lake City home or business.

Call Your Comfort Experts Today

At Just Right Heating, Cooling, and Plumbing, our team is always looking for ways to save you money while increasing the comfort of your Salt Lake City, UT, home. Call us today at (801) 302-1154 or request service online to learn more about our products and services.